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  • Non-Immigrant Worker Visas


P-VISA CATEGORIES                                                                               

Serving McLean Virginia, Washington DC and Irvine California


For athletes and entertainers

To help certain athletes, performers, artists and other cultural workers enter the United States on a temporary basis, the U.S. government issues several different types of P-visas. These entry certificates are often issued before major events like the Olympics, music festivals and cultural expositions. For a quarter of a decade, the P-visa lawyers at the Prime Counsel Firm have helped a variety of clients who work in cultural fields enter the United States in a timely and legal fashion.

Since P-visas are often issued on a short-term basis, it is crucial that prospective visa holders retain a competent legal professional before beginning the application process. The diligent P-visa attorneys at the Prime Counsel Law firm  have accurately processed hundreds of visa applications and helped many satisfied clients secure visas without delay or complication.

Types of P-Visas

The various types of P-class visas are briefly described below. Each type will also be described in greater detail on a separate page within our website.

  • P-1 Visa for athletes, artists and performers:

  • These visas are issued to individuals or team members who have been retained to perform or compete in specific competitions, shows or events.

  • P-2Visa for "granted" artists and  entertainers:

  • Unlike P-1 visas, these credentials are issued solely to individuals who have been accepted into the United States as part of a government-sponsored cultural exchange program.

  • P-3 Visa for culturally unique entertainers:

  • These visas are reserved for special performers and artists whose work is culturally unique and can serve as part of an educational experience.

The Difference Between O and P-Class Visas

Although O-Visas  can also be issued to performers, athletes and artists, recipients of O-Visas must have demonstrated exceptional achievement or ability within their specialty.

By contrast, P-visas can be issued to amateur or extracurricular performers or cultural workers. P-class visas tend to come with stricter terms and typically terminate after the end of the pertinent exhibition or competition. In addition, holders of P-visas must be sponsored by a recognized organization that is based within the United States.

Call the Prime Counsel Law Firm

The professional P-visa lawyers at the Prime Counsel Law Firm are committed to securing lawful entry for each of their deserving clients. As the planning periods that precede athletic and cultural events are often short and chaotic, we specialize in expediting requests for “P” visas. For many years, we have been helping qualified athletes, artists and performers enter the United States to spread their cultural knowledge.

For more information about securing a P-class visa,  Call the Prime Counsel Law firm Attorney's  at 703-951-6565

 to schedule a free consultation.

Talk to The Prime Counsel Law Firm


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