The Prime Counsel Law Firm follows the Policies and trends in alignment with Investment Migration Council (IMC).
The IMC headquartered in Geneva, is the worldwide association for investor migration and citizenship-by-investment, bringing together leading stakeholders in the field and giving the industry a voice.
The IMC sets the standards on a global level and interacts with other professional associations, governments and international organizations in relation to investment migration. The IMC helps to improve public understanding of the issues faced by clients and governments in this area and promotes education and high professional standards among its members.
IMC allows Prime Counsel to benefit from the professional development, networking opportunities and information services provided by the association, all of which help enhance our business and promote professionalism and high ethical standards. It also allows us to keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in the field of citizenship investment and benefits our clients with the most up to date, appropriate solutions in this fast moving industry.
FREEDOM TO live, work, study and TRAVEL.
> Citizenship by Investment.
Citizenship by investment program will grant immediate citizenship to applicants and their families. That means qualification for a second passport and hence their incredible popularity amongst our clients for the international travel possibilities they present.
The Caribbean and Vanuatu programs offer visa free access to over 100 countries through their passports. In Europe the program of Cyprus and Malta mean citizenship not just of those countries but the European citizenship benefits that come with it, meaning the ability to work travel and study anywhere in Europe.
>Residency by investment in Europe
There are several residency by investment program in Europe that grant residency, often through real estate investment but without the requirement to reside. These program are especially popular with investors not wishing to emigrate and move their family but require flexibility should the need ever reside. They often come with accompanying travel freedom across the EU Schengen zone. Eventually if permanent residency is undertaken by the investor and their family then citizenship of the country can usually be applied for.
Migrating permanently is a far greater decision for the applicant and their family. The acquisition of permanent residency through investment often means the start of a new life in a new country. Business, education and tax residency are just some of the considerations. Of the three program categories this usually involves a greater application challenge and ultimate decision for the applicant. However many of the "residency by Investment program" offer a softer, more gradual route to migrating permanently with a flexible approach to temporary residency leading to permanent residency and potential citizenship.
The above categories can be applied to any country actually, United States, Canada, Europe and Australia.